House Passes Financial Services Appropriations Bill To Ensure Families Receive Tax Refunds on Schedule


Date: Jan. 9, 2019

Legislation is virtually identical to Senate bill that was adopted on a bipartisan 92-6 vote
The House today approved legislation to reopen the Department of the Treasury and the Internal Revenue Service and remove any doubt that hardworking American families will receive their tax refunds on schedule.

The legislation, which is virtually identical to legislation that passed the Senate in August 2018 on a 92-6 vote, ensures that all agencies covered by the Financial Services and General Government appropriations bill will remain open through September 30. The bill provides $23.688 billion in discretionary funding, $180 million above the President's budget request (not including program integrity) and $265 million above the FY2018 enacted level.

It rejects President Trump's proposed elimination of the Community Development Financial Institutions Fund and proposed cuts to the Small Business Administration. The legislation provides a pay increase for civilian federal employees of 1.9 percent in calendar year 2019 and blocks the Trump administration from doling out lavish raises to the Vice President and other high-ranking officials. It also includes back pay for federal employees furloughed during the Trump Shutdown.

"Unless Congress acts, the American people will continue to experience serious impacts from the shutdown. With taxpayer assistance phone lines and centers closed for business, our constituents don't have anyone they can turn to. Small businesses, which make up the backbone of our economy, also take a hit, with no access to Small Business Administration loans during the shutdown," House Appropriations Committee Chairwoman Nita M. Lowey said. "House Democrats want to open the government, but the President and the Senate Republicans continue to obstruct and delay instead of working with us to get the people's business done. I hope that my colleagues across the Capitol come to their senses and stop this ridiculous Trump Shutdown."

For the text of the legislation, H.R. 264, please visit:
